Review process summary

The decision process for CVWW2012 has ended. We have received 31 papers, of which 28 were accepted for oral or poster presentation and three were rejected.

The deadline for camera ready submission is January 20th 2012. Instructions for submitting camera ready publications are available here.

Deadline extension

Due to numerous requests we have decided to extend the deadline for paper submission. The extended deadline is Tuesday, 20th of December at 24:00 CET. Note that other deadlines have also been changed because of this extension.

Call for Papers

An excerpt from the official CVWW 2012 Call for Papers:

On behalf of the workshop chairs, the Cognitive Systems Laboratory and Machine Vision Laboratory, University of Ljubljana, we invite you to participate in the 17th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. The workshop will take place in Bioterme Mala Nedelja, Slovenia, from February 1st to 3rd, 2012. Computer Vision Winter Workshop is an annual international symposium with primary focus in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition. The aim of the workshop is to foster interaction and exchange of ideas among researchers and PhD students. Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original work. All papers will be peer-reviewed by an international program committee.

The full Call for Papers poster can be downloaded here.